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Old 07-16-2024, 12:42 AM   #1
Scuba Fever
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Dive Conditions 07-13-2024

Saturday found warmer conditions and better visibility, but mistakes made loss of several nice flatties. The butts are definitely in the bay!

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Old 07-16-2024, 01:22 PM   #2
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Re: Dive Conditions 07-13-2024

I think it needs a slip tip.
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Old 07-16-2024, 01:39 PM   #3
Scuba Fever
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Re: Dive Conditions 07-13-2024

Originally Posted by campione View Post
I think it needs a slip tip.
It was laying on a rock bottom, no penetration, slip tip would have faired similar. Other two are gun malfunctioning.
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Old 07-17-2024, 03:55 PM   #4
Bob Ballew
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Re: Dive Conditions 07-13-2024

...I see several issues where changing out could improve your catch ratio...A double barb is the best tip for halibut...but. the design has several flaws, all fixable....
... The sliding ring is a liability...we grind them off..if the ring is on the barbs when you shoot. it may prevent the barbs from opening and...instant lost fish...Why?,,,flesh jams in the "U" of the barb where the hinge pin is located...This puts pressure on the barbs, jamming them inward and puts additional pressure on the ring, which may not slide backward to release...
...Floppy barbs are not reliable due to the flesh issue..wrapping a rubber band 3 times or so on the shaft just below the hinge pin will hold the barbs away from the shaft enough to catch each time the shaft is pulled backward and will greatly reduce the chance of a lost fish...
...Finally, if the ends of the barbs come to a point, grind them to a half-round...less chance of a barb tearing out as a large fish fights and uses leverage against the shaft to tear loose. Sooner or later a big seabass will swim into view and both barbs need to work flawlessly if you intend to land a trophy catch...Good hunting.
...p.s. All my halibut guns have a 6" rubber shock absorber (made from polespear tubing) inline at the muzzle...this absorbs some of the pull a big fish can exert on your line..
...I always grab the shaft and fish, holding both sides of the shaft until I determine the fish is solidly hit and can't escape..Next, comes a knife thrust to end the fight.
...Learned the knife part the hard way when I assumed I had killed a 32 lb. flattie and strung it on my belt. The fish came back to life and gave me a stinging bite on the ass to remind me not to assume anything...
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Old 07-17-2024, 03:58 PM   #5
Bob Ballew
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Re: Dive Conditions 07-13-2024

...I see several issues where changing out could improve your catch ratio...A double barb is the best tip for halibut...but. the design has several flaws, all fixable....
... The sliding ring is a liability...we grind them off..if the ring is on the barbs when you shoot. it may prevent the barbs from opening and...instant lost fish...Why?,,,flesh jams in the "U" of the barb where the hinge pin is located...This puts pressure on the barbs, jamming them and puts additional pressure on the ring, which may not slide backward to release...
...Floppy barbs are not reliable due to the flesh issue..wrapping a rubber band 3 times or so on the shaft just below the hinge pin will hold the barbs away from the shaft enough to catch each time the shaft is pulled backward and will greatly reduce the chance of a lost fish...
...Finally, if the ends of the barbs come to a point, grind them to a half-round...less chance of a barb tearing out as a large fish fights and uses leverage against the shaft to tear loose. Sooner or later a big seabass will swim into view and both barbs need to work flawlessly if you intend to land a trophy catch...Good hunting.
...p.s. All my halibut guns have a 6" rubber shock absorber (made from polespear tubing) inline at the muzzle...this absorbs some of the pull a big fish can exert on your line..
...I always grab the shaft and fish, holding both sides of the shaft until I determine the fish is solidly hit and can't escape..Next, comes a knife thrust to end the fight.
...Learned the knife part the hard way when I assumed I had killed a 32 lb. flattie and strung it on my belt. The fish came back to life and gave me a stinging bite on the ass to remind me not to assume anything...
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Old 07-17-2024, 04:02 PM   #6
Bob Ballew
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Re: Dive Conditions 07-13-2024

....hmmm, somehow it posted twice...anyone know how to delete one?
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