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Old 09-22-2014, 10:34 AM   #1
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Arrow Carbon fins care & preventative measures.

Just returned from an AIDA 3* course and noticed the tip of one of my Cressi Carbons (carbon kevlar I think) has slightly chipped and the layers are slightly coming apart - very minor at this stage but prevention is better than cure. It happened during a pool session so we put a thin strip of gorilla tape over it as a quick solution whilst doing dynamics.

I contacted Cressi who weren't able to provide an answer to my questions: what can I do to a) repair the chip/crack before it worsens and b) at the same time, what can I apply to the tips to make them less likely to chip or crack from any future knocks? My initial concern was if I chucked on some 5min epoxy and caused a bad reaction with the chemicals it may make things worse or even further de-lamination . . still, they could not answer me.
Due to the double curved design of the fin tips it was tough getting the tape to sit without overlapping which meant it didn't take long before it started peeling off.

So, any suggestions?
Top idea so far is to get my hands on some Black 5200 (never worked with the stuff before) and try and put a little blob strip on the ends and try to squeeze it together to keep it tidy.

All responses are much appreciated
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Old 09-22-2014, 12:08 PM   #2
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Re: Carbon fins care & preventative measures.

I would not attempt any repairs that would void any warranties.

I would contact the manufacturer's customer service representative for replacement or a refund.

A broken fin, at depth, can be fatal.
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Old 09-22-2014, 12:30 PM   #3
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Re: Carbon fins care & preventative measures.

Hey SP, I didn't part any cash for them (got them as a sort of promotional thing) so don't believe I would be due a replacement or refund. As I said, I contacted Cressi but was told they had no solution for me and to let them know what I tried.

It is right at the tip of the fin and right now is very minor but I'd like to do something to halt or slow down the problem.
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Old 09-22-2014, 04:31 PM   #4
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Re: Carbon fins care & preventative measures.

Fins started delaminating. Delamination will continue no matter what you do. A temporary fix would be to use some epoxy to put it together. Do you have some pics you can share?


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Old 09-22-2014, 05:07 PM   #5
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Re: Carbon fins care & preventative measures.

Originally Posted by Cyprus_Spearo View Post
Fins started delaminating. Delamination will continue no matter what you do. A temporary fix would be to use some epoxy to put it together. Do you have some pics you can share?
Hey CS, tried taking a few pictures but could not get any clear enough - the extra adhesive spots didn't help either. That gorilla tape (whilst raising up in a few places) holds incredibly well! I will give the epoxy a go.

From just looking at the tip and from prying my fingernail in it to try and open it up it is like there are two layers of carbon with a layer of paper (something thin) in between. Perhaps de-lamination was the wrong term for me to use?
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Old 10-20-2021, 12:03 PM   #6
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Re: Carbon fins care & preventative measures.

Personally, I would use the original Crazy Glue....cyanoacrylate....the really thin stuff, and let it seep down into the delamination. It will also form a hard surface for the tip of the fin. Put your gorilla tape on one side so as to have a nice flat surface.
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Old 10-26-2021, 02:25 AM   #7
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Re: Carbon fins care & preventative measures.

Old thread but worth mentioning....

Fins usually start chiping at the edge because you bang it on rocks. If a crack develops and starts running up the blade, the whole thing is toast.

What I do on brand new fins is to sandwitch the edge of the fin with duct tape (a piece on each side) and then trim with an utility blade leaving about 1/2" of duct-to-duct at the edge. This would prevent banging the edge with the rocks.

You have the choice of black if you want to go incognito or the regular silver color (which helps your partner to see you from the surface).

Some people don't find it aesthetically pleasing, but I don't give a damn and my fins never break at the very edge.

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Old 10-26-2021, 08:12 AM   #8
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Re: Carbon fins care & preventative measures.

that seems like a really good idea. Most of my fins get worn and chipped on the trailing edge.
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Old 10-28-2021, 05:48 AM   #9
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Re: Carbon fins care & preventative measures.

Originally Posted by jfjf View Post
that seems like a really good idea. Most of my fins get worn and chipped on the trailing edge.
Will try to post a picture later to ilustrate de fix.

Try it! You will like it.

Where I fish, we mostly fish aspetto style... so banging on rocks happens. It also happens when you are holding for your life to the rocks at the botom while fishing under the very surf in hard seas (breams and seabass feed in the white water).

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