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2011 USOA National Championship Tavernier, FL Keys - August 3-4, 2011 The Under Water Society of America (USOA) has sanctioned the Miami Freedivers and the Longfins to host this prestigious event.

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Old 11-07-2011, 12:59 PM   #166
FII Freediving Instructor
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Re: USOA National Spearfishing Championships 2011

Originally Posted by Adelito View Post
Why would you bring this up nearly 3 months after the last post?

I understand you are fairly new to the sport, and have limited experiance in the competitive arena, but his statements wildly describe an ever growing trend.

The desire to compete is completely eclipsed by the desire to win. Las vegas odds are no good for some guys.... they need to have an big advantage( local knowledge, weeks scouting, 70mph/30ft boats) and if they dont, they wont show up.....ever.

The fact that you dropped out of this years nationals I think says alot about you, and I constantly see highly Over opinionated statements with a very condecending tone towards alot of experiance divers.

Is Martin and nikkii aware everything you post? I am sure there is a code of conduct

Before you get all emotional, I am a big believer in the best reason to dive, is what ever reason is best for you. That said, I am a bigger admirer of diving ability, how and where people harvest there fish, more so than photo shop fish porn....
I just read it and I thought it was quite shocking since I know Juan and he is a member of our club.... Was I out of line with something? Did I say something I shouldn't have?

Trust me, I'm kool and the gang with Martin and Niki.... Is there something that you're insinuating that I should know about?

I didn't even know I was supposed to compete in the Nationals... Thanks for telling me I was supposed to. I'll make sure I actually sign up next time. BTW, who's team was I supposed to be on? Funny.... I was in Europe during the Nationals.... I guess my team was angry I wasn't there... Remember, I'm quite new to the sport so I probably wouldn't have done much!!!

The opinions I give are for the good and safety of the dive community. You can take them or leave them. It's ok, I won't get "all emotional"! Quite humorous!!! Thanks, I needed that!

Peace, Errol

Last edited by flamencoguru; 11-07-2011 at 01:14 PM.
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Old 11-07-2011, 01:25 PM   #167
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Re: USOA National Spearfishing Championships 2011

Originally Posted by flamencoguru View Post
I just read it and I thought it was quite shocking since I know Juan and he is a member of our club.... Was I out of line with something? Did I say something I shouldn't have?

Trust me, I'm kool and the gang with Martin and Niki.... Is there something that you're insinuating that I should know about?

I didn't even know I was supposed to compete in the Nationals... Thanks for telling me I was supposed to. I'll make sure I actually sign up next time. BTW, who's team was I supposed to be on? Funny.... I was in Europe during the Nationals.... I guess my team was angry I wasn't there...

The opinions I give are for the good and safety of the dive community. You can take them or leave them. It's ok, I won't get "all emotional"! Quite humorous!!! Thanks, I needed that!

Peace, Errol
Was it not you trying to impose new rules to nationals? While you may have anywhere but the nationals, I believe you and your teams bio made it in the program.....

your attitude is whats humorous, anyone that reads your post would think you invented freediving. Who are you to determine whats ” good” ? Was that part of the instructor course?

My insinuation is that you pass of your opion as fact, as an instructor for dare I say the most reputable, freediving academy in the world I am sure an accomplished person like nikki or martin would demand a certain order.

And seriously after three months calling out a club member on spearboard is something a drama queen would do, why not call the guy?

You have alot to learn.
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Old 11-07-2011, 02:02 PM   #168
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Re: USOA National Spearfishing Championships 2011

Originally Posted by Adelito View Post
Was it not you trying to impose new rules to nationals? While you may have anywhere but the nationals, I believe you and your teams bio made it in the program.....

your attitude is whats humorous, anyone that reads your post would think you invented freediving. Who are you to determine whats ” good” ? Was that part of the instructor course?

My insinuation is that you pass of your opion as fact, as an instructor for dare I say the most reputable, freediving academy in the world I am sure an accomplished person like nikki or martin would demand a certain order.

And seriously after three months calling out a club member on spearboard is something a drama queen would do, why not call the guy?

You have alot to learn.
Thanks. I will learn o' great one!
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