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Old 08-25-2014, 08:41 PM   #1
Official Organization
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Posts: 1
Arrow IUSA/IBSRC position -- Latham Island

There's been some confusion related to world record applications for fish caught in Latham Island. Therefore, we wish to make a public statement.

This statement is made on behalf of the IUSA Board and Terry Maas for IBSRC. After much research, both world record keeping organizations have turned down applications for fish caught in Latham Island.

It is illegal to spear in the country of United Republic of Tanzania -- no one disputes that. The Minister of Fisheries forwarded the attached documentation and stated that they have jurisdiction over Latham Island. Futher, we were also referred to a YouTube video of the TV news showing spearfishing gear being confiscated during a trip to Latham Island. https://www.youtube.com/watchv=y1K7aORFrFM

There is a spearfishing charter that has obtained a special permit issued from the island of Zanzibar (not a country, but a semi-autonomous territory of mainland Tanzania) which also claims jurisdiction over Latham Island. Bottom line -- neither the IUSA nor the IBSRC want to get in the middle of territorial disputes and will only approve records where there is agreement by all parties. In other words, if there is a region of the world where two parties claim jurisdiction, we will not approve any record application where it is illegal to spearfish by either regulatory body claiming jurisdiction.

On a different but related topic, we do not issue records in instances where the general public is not allowed to spear legally -- for example: fish taken with a scientific catch permit, permits acquired through non-public arrangements, etc. Both organizations have previously set a firm precedent of rejecting applications where the fish was taken from waters where it is illegal to spearfish.

The IUSA and IBSRC strive to maintain the highest standard of ethics while bringing honor and fairness to the sport of spearfishing. We celebrate the accomplishments of world record holders and encourage everyone to enjoy the sport safely.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	FromDirectorofFisheries.jpg
Views:	1340
Size:	131.6 KB
ID:	210073   Click image for larger version

Name:	TanzaniaRegs v2.jpg
Views:	1194
Size:	129.7 KB
ID:	210074   Click image for larger version

Name:	ZanzibarRegs v2.jpg
Views:	1227
Size:	119.9 KB
ID:	210075   Click image for larger version

Name:	MnstFisheries.jpg
Views:	1673
Size:	145.2 KB
ID:	210095  
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